engineering plastics application中文什么意思

发音:   用"engineering plastics application"造句
  • engineering:    n. 1.工程(技术),工程学。 2 ...
  • plastic:    adj. 1.造型的;塑造的;给与形 ...
  • application:    n. 1.适用,应用;运用。 2.申 ...
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  1. Our engineer team has 15 years of experience in engineering plastic application and processing . they have profound understand to the performance of the materials and have enjoyed wide respect from the clients
  2. In the dissertation ' s chapter 3 to chapter 5 , the mechanical and physical performances of the engineering plastics are analyzed , the failure mode and the designing computing methods of engineering plastics member suffering the static load , dynamic load , impact load , pulse load , are studied . by the practice application and ball firing experiment of the engineering plastics key piece in the weapons , the precious experiences , for engineering plastics application and confirmation of the material performances guideline in the weapons , are obtained


  1. engineering planning 什么意思
  2. engineering planning and analysis system 什么意思
  3. engineering plant 什么意思
  4. engineering plastic 什么意思
  5. engineering plastics 什么意思
  6. engineering polymer 什么意思
  7. engineering practice 什么意思
  8. engineering practice and applications 什么意思
  9. engineering preliminaries 什么意思
  10. engineering preliminatries 什么意思


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